Car parking charges along Newland Street is a ‘non-starter’ and must be stopped, demand Witham's Conservative councillors.
On 1st February 2024, the North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP) proposed to charge residents £1.80 to park outside the shops on Newland Street. Parking metres are to be installed under proposals considered by the arms-length body.
Witham Conservative councillors have instructed that NEPP reverse its decision, stating that the rip-off charge will harm businesses and shops, resulting in a decreased customer footfall.
Moreover, Witham's Conservative councillors have called the decision a sham, with NEPP having failed to consult businesses, councillors, residents, shopkeepers, and the Town Council ahead of making a decision on 1st February.
"Charging for parking on Newland Street is a non-starter and something we are not prepared to contemplate. If we had been consulted about these proposals, then we would have responded strongly against, providing evidence to support our case that it must remain free” state Witham’s Conservative Braintree District Councillors.
Essex County Councillor, Cllr Ross Playle, for the Newland Street area, added: "We have requested a meeting with the North Essex Parking Partnership to discuss this proposal and our concerns around the manner with which it has come about.
“We will be launching a grass-roots campaign locally in the coming weeks. This Colchester-based organisation will hear Witham’s voice loud and clear; these proposals must be reversed.”